dictionar englez roman


Poets Laureatepoeți ai curții
Poets Laureatepoeți laureați
poets such as Chaucerpoeți ca Chaucer
poets such as Chaucerpoeți de talia lui Chaucer
foot poetspoeți de mâna a doua
the minor poets of the 17th centurypoeții minori ai secolului al XVII-lea
would-be poetsașa-ziși poeți

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Poets": Paddie's, paddies, paddock, Paddy's, pads, Padty's, Pat's, patatos, patch, patches, patchy, Pate's, pathetic, pathos, paths, patooties, patsies, patsy, Patsy, Patsy's, Patti's, Pattie's, Patty's, pay desk, pay desks, pay-days, payouts, pea pods, peaheads, peats, pedagogy, pee heads, peets, Pepita's, Pepito's, Pet's, Peta's, Pete's, petes, Petey's, pets, petty cash, photog, photogs, photos, phthisis, Piet's, pitch, pitches, piteous, podgy, poetic, poetics, pot heads, potato heads, potch, potches, pots, pottage, potties, pouts, pudgy, puppet show, put the case, putsch, putsches, putz, putzes, to paddywhack, to patch, to pitch, to pop off the hooks, to potch, to put a tuck, to put to sack, to put to sea, to put to the issue, to put to the touch, to putz.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.
(T.S. Eliot)
Poeții imaturi imită; cei maturi fură.
(T.S. Eliot)
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