madame | cucoană | ||||
madame | doamnă |
Termeni asemănători cu "Madame": madam, made wine, madman, madmen, Madona, madonna, Madonna, maiden, maiden name, man on town, many a time, matinee, median, mediation, meditation, medium, men and women, Mendon, mention, metonymy, mitten, modem, momentum, monotone, monotony, Montana, motion, mountain, mundane, munition, mutation, mute me, mutiny, mutton, to madden, to maintain, to munition, to mutiny.
Citat exemplificator în engleză-română
A formula for answering controversial letters -- without even reading the letters Dear Sir (or Madame) You may be right. (H.L. Mencken) | O formulă pentru a răspunde scrisorilor controversate chiar fără a citi scrisorile: Stimate Domnule (Stimată Doamnă), ați putea avea dreptate. (H.L. Mencken) |
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