dictionar englez roman



Termeni asemănători cu "Donut": dainty, Damita, dammed, damned, dandy, Danette, Danit, Danita, Dante, Danyette, daunted, Dawnetta, day in, day out, dead end, dead hand, deadened, deemed, demand, demeaned, demented, dementia, demoted, denied, denoted, dent, denuded, detained, detente, detonated, diamond, Diamond, didn't, dim-witted, dimmed, dined, dinette, dinned, dint, dominant, dominated, don't, donated, Donetta, donned, down and out, down wind, down-and-out, down-wind, downed, downwind, Duwand, dynamite, dynamited, to daunt, to demote, to denote, to denude, to detonate, to die on it, to din into, to dine out, to dominate, to donate, to dynamite.

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