dictionar englez roman


the chairman of the administrative commissionpreședintele comisiei administrative
the day-to-day administration of the agencyadministrarea curentă a agenției
the day-to-day administration of the Centregestionarea cotidiană a Centrului
the day-to-day administration of the instituteadministrarea zilnică a institutului
the identity of the appointed imprest administratoridentitatea administratorului de avans numit
the introduction of a single administrative documentintroducerea unui document administrativ unic
the management of basic administrative servicesgestionarea serviciilor administrative de bază
the responsibility of the administrators of advance fundsrăspunderea administratorilor conturilor de avans
which is well defined geographically and administrativelycare este bine definită geografic și administrativ

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Termeni asemănători cu "Admin": Adam, add-in, add-on, addition, Adena, Adhuna, Adiana, Adina, Adnan, Adnana, Adym, Ahdena, Aidan, at a time, at dawn, at home, at noon, at one, at that time, at the time, Atena, Athena, Athene, ATM, atom, ATTN, atween, audition, autotomy, autumn, to atone, to attain.

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