dictionar englez roman


Whe chatters to you, will chatter of you.Cine bârfește pe alții te bârfește și pe tine.
with all one's goods and chattelscu cățel, cu purcel
with all one's goods and chattelscu toate catrafusele

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Termeni asemănători cu "hatte": had, Haiti, hat, hate, hated, Hatti, Hattie, Hatty, Haywood, head, headed, headway, heady, heat, heated, heath, Heath, Heda, Hedda, Heddi, Heddie, Hedi, Hedy, hee-hawed, heed, Heida, Heidi, Heidie, Hetti, Hettie, Hetty, hewed, Hewet, Hewett, Hewitt, heyday, Heywood, hide, hideaway, hideout, hit, hod, hoed, hoity toity, hood, hooded, hoodoo, hoot, hooted, hot, hothead, Hottie, how-to, Hoyt, hued, hut, Hyatt, to hat, to hate, to head, to heat, to heed, to hide, to hit, to hit the hay, to hood, to hoodoo, to hoot.

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