dictionar englez roman


the shape which gives substantial value to the goodsforma care dă o valoare substanțială produsulu
the substantive examinationexaminarea de fond
The waiver decision must be substantiated.Decizia de renunțare trebuie motivată.
These amounts must be duly substantiated.Aceste sume trebuie justificate corespunzător.
undergoes a substantial changesuferă o modificare substanțială

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Termeni asemănători cu "Stanti": sectioned, sediment, sextant, sheet to the wind, sixteenth, sixty-ninth, sodomite, stained, stand, Stanwood, statement, steamed, stem end, stemmata, stemmed, stint, stinted, stoned, student, stunned, stunt, stunted, sustained, sweetened, sweetmeat, the sixteenth, the sixty-ninth, to set a hand to, to stand, to stand at, to stand out, to stand to, to stem the tide, to stint, to stunt.

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