dictionar englez roman


Who do you think you are talking to?Cum îți permiți să vorbesti așa?
Who do you think you are talking to?Unde te trezești?
Who else received a similar false document?Cine a mai obținut un document fals similar?
Who ever can it be?Cine naiba să fie?
Who goes a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing.Cine umblă să împrumute, trebuie să îngroașe obrazul.
Who goes there?Cine-i acolo?
Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.Cine n-a gustat amarul, nu știe ce e zahărul.proverb
Who in the world...?Cine Dumnezeu...?
who iscare este
Who is coming with me?Cine vine cu mine?
Who is getting down the minutes?Cine face procesul verbal?
Who is he?Cine este el?
who is not entitled to an Icelandic pensioncare nu are dreptul la o pensie islandeză
Who is she?Cine este ea?
Who is speaking?Cine e la aparat?
Who is speaking?Cine e la telefon?
Who is speaking?Cine vorbește?
Who is the worthy who has just arrived?Ăsta care a venit acum ce ștab o mai fi?
who is to perform monitoring and checkingcine efectuează supravegherea și controlul
Who is your favorite ?Cine e favoritul tău?

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