dictionar englez roman


to take up one's residencea se așeza definitiv într-un locconjugări
to take up one's residencea-și lua în primire reședințaconjugări
to take up one's residencea se stabili definitiv într-un locconjugări
type E work and residence permitpermis de muncă și ședere tip E
type P work and residence permitpermis de muncă și ședere tip P
waiving of residence ruleseliminând clauzele de rezidență

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Termeni asemănători cu "sidence": saddening, sadness, satanic, scathing, scouting, seating, sections, set in one's ways, setting, settings, shading, shedding, sheeting, sheetings, shooting, showdowns, shut downs, shutting, Sidnea's, Sidnee's, Sidney's, Sidoney's, Sidonia's, Sidonnie's, sitatunga, sitatungas, sitting, sittings, skating, stadiums, staining, stains, Stan's, stance, stanza, stations, staunch, steadiness, steaming, stemmas, stemming, stemmings, stems, stench, stenches, sting, Sting, Sting's, stings, stingy, stink, stinko, Stinky, Stinky's, stomach, stomach ache, stomachs, stones, stoning, stoutness, stung, stungs, stunning, suiting, sustaining, sustenance, sustenances, Sutton's, sweetness, swidding, Sydney's, systems, to see things, to set one's jaw, to set to music, to sit on eggs, to sit out a dance, to stanch, to state one's case, to staunch, to sting, to stink, to stomach, to suck the monkey, to sweat in one's shoes, to systemize.

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