dictionar englez roman


to hypothesizea bănuiconjugări
to hypothesizea emite ipotezeconjugări
to hypothesizea presupuneconjugări
to hypothesizea speculaconjugări

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Termeni asemănători cu "hypo": hap, happy, Happy, have, Havivah, Heabie, heap, heave, heavy, hi-fi, hip, hip-hop, hippie, hippo, hippy, hive, hobby, hobo, hoof, hoop, hoopoe, hop, hope, Hope, hub, hubbub, hubby, huff, huffy, hype, to have, to have up, to heap, to heap up, to heave, to hive, to hoof, to hoop, to hop, to hope, to huff.

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