dictionar englez roman


The use of stainless steel is recommended.Se recomandă utilizarea oțelului inoxidabil.
this recommendation entered into force onrecomandarea a intrat în vigoare la
This recommendation may be subject to later adaptations.Această recomandare va putea fi adaptată ulterior.
to recommend amendments to this agreementsă recomande modificări la prezentul acord
What improvements do they recommend?Ce îmbunătățiri recomandă?

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Termeni asemănători cu "commend": can't, Canada, Candi, candid, Candida, candidate, Candide, Candie, candied, candy, Candy, canned, cannot, cant, cantata, canted, canto, caseinate, casement, cash in hand, cash-in-hand, cement, cemented, cent, chained, Chanda, chant, chanted, checkmate, cheese mite, cheque account, chimed, Cinda, Cindee, Cindi, Cindie, Cindy, coconut, cocooned, cogent, cognate, coined, comedy, comet, comity, command, commanded, commando, commended, comment, commentated, commented, committed, committee, commode, commodity, communed, community, commuted, Comté, condo, conduit, connoted, count, counted, county, cunt, cushioned, cyanide, cygnet, Cyinta, Cyndi, Cyndy, Cynthea, Cynthia, Cynthie, Cynthy, to candy, to cannon into, to cant, to cement, to chant, to chime in with, to chime with, to come home to, to come in handy, to come it with, to come out, to come to, to come to a head, to come to hate, to command, to comment, to commentate, to commit, to commit to, to commute, to connote, to count.

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