dictionar englez roman


to increase the taxesa mări impoziteleconjugări
the deduction of rebates and taxesdeducerea rabaturilor, impozitelor și taxelor
the imposition of taxes or dutiesimpunerea de impozite sau taxe
the reference period for taxes on wealthperioada de referință pentru impozitele pe avere
value-added type taxesimpozite de tip taxă pe valoare adăugată
VAT and other taxes and chargesTVA și alte impozite și taxe
VAT and other taxes and chargesTVA și alte impozite, taxe și obligații
VAT-type taxestaxe de tip TVA
wage-bill taxes paid by the employerimpozite pe masa salarială plătite de angajator
with all taxes excludedcu toate taxele excluse

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Termeni asemănători cu "Taxes": tach, tachs, tack, tacks, tacky, Tad's, Tadd's, Taddeo's, Taddeus, Taddeus's, Tadeas, Tadeas's, tads, tag, tags, Tai's, taiga, Tait's, Taite's, Tajik, take, Tasha, Tasha's, Tasia, Tasia's, task, tasks, Tate's, tats, tattoos, Tawsha, Tawsha's, tax, taxi, Tay's, tea cosies, tea cosy, teak, tease, teases, tech, techs, techy, Ted's, Tedd's, Tedda's, Teddi's, Teddie's, Teddy's, Tedi's, Tedie's, tedious, Teo's, Teodosia, Teodosia's, Teodosie, Teodosie's, Tess, Tess's, Tessa, Tessa's, Tessi, Tessi's, Tessie, Tessie's, Tessy, Tessy's, tetchy, Thad's, Thaddeus, Thaddeus's, Thaddius, Thaddius's, Thaddus, Thaddus's, Thadeus, Thadeus's, that is, that is why, that's why, thatch, Thatch, Thatch's, thatches, The Caucasus, the discus, the ego, The House, the out edge, the quick, the sack, the sauce, the shakes, Thea's, Theada's, Theda's, Theo's, Theodosia, Theodosia's, these, theses, thesis, thews, they say, Thia's, thick, thickish, thigh, thighs, this, this is how, this is why, this way, those, though, thuds, thug, thugs, thuja, thus, Tia's, tic, tick, ticks, tides, tidies, Tijah, Tijah's, Tish, Tish's, Tisha, Tisha's, Tisoy, Tisoy's, tissue, Tito's, Titos, Titos's, tits, Titus, Titus's, tizzy, to a zoo, to excess, to tack, to tag, to take, to take a hike, to take a joke, to take a zizz, to take away, to take sick, to tax, to taxi, to teach, to tease, to thatch, to the quick, to the tick, to thwack, to tick, to tissue, to tog, to toke, to toss, to toss cookies, to touch, to tuck, to tuck away, to tug, to tweak, to twig, to us, to whose, tockus, Tod's, today week, Todd's, Toddie's, Toddy's, toes, tog, Togo, togs, Tojia, Tojia's, toke, tokes, tokis, tokus, toothache, toots, Tootsie, Tootsie's, tootsy, toss, totes, Toto's, touch, touches, touchy, tough, toughie, toughies, towage, towages, tows, toxic, toys, tuck, Tuck, Tuck's, Tuckie, Tuckie's, Tucky, Tucky's, tug, tugs, tush, tushes, tusk, tussock, twats, tweak, tweeds, Tweese, twice, twig, twigs, twitch, twitchy, twits, two days, two days ago, two shakes, Ty's, Tye's, tyke, Tyssie, Tyssie's.

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