dictionar englez roman


touched in the upper storeyscrântit la mansardăfamiliar
two-storeyedcu două etaje
weak in the upper storeyslab la minte
weak in the upper storeysărac cu duhulfamiliar în limba română

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Termeni asemănători cu "Storey": sagittaria, satire, satyr, Saudra, scatter, scooter, sector, sedater, seeder, setter, shea tree, shudder, shutter, shyster, sister, sitter, sixty-three, sizz water, skater, skeeter, Skeeter, squatter, staider, stair, star, Star, stare, Starr, starrier, starry, statuary, statura, stature, statutory, steadier, steer, stereo, stir, store, Stori, story, stouter, straw, stray, stutter, suitor, suture, sweater, to saw the air, to scatter, to sequester, to shatter, to shudder, to skitter, to squeeze out a tear, to stare, to steer, to stir, to store, to stray, to strew, to stutter, to suck dry, to suture.

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