dictionar englez roman


to whittle something downa micșorafigurat în limba englezăconjugări
to whittle something downa reducefigurat în limba englezăconjugări
to whittle something downa triafigurat în limba englezăconjugări
WhittakerWhittakernume masculin
Whittaker'slui Whittakernume masculin
whittled downredus treptat

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Termeni asemănători cu "Hitt": had, Haiti, hat, hate, hated, Hatti, Hattie, Hatty, Haywood, head, headed, headway, heady, heat, heated, heath, Heath, Heda, Hedda, Heddi, Heddie, Hedi, Hedy, hee-hawed, heed, Heida, Heidi, Heidie, Hetti, Hettie, Hetty, hewed, Hewet, Hewett, Hewitt, heyday, Heywood, hide, hideaway, hideout, hit, hod, hoed, hoity toity, hood, hooded, hoodoo, hoot, hooted, hot, hothead, Hottie, how-to, Hoyt, hued, hut, Hyatt, to hat, to hate, to head, to heat, to heed, to hide, to hit, to hit the hay, to hood, to hoodoo, to hoot.

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