dictionar englez roman


egadpe cinstea mea!interjecție; învechit
egadpe legea mea!interjecție; învechit
fire brigadebrigadă de pompieri
fire brigadecorp de pompieri

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Termeni asemănători cu "Gad": G suit, G-suit, gagged, gaiety, gait, gasket, gassed, gate, gateway, GATT, gaudy, gauged, gazed, gazette, get out, Geta, getaway, ghat, ghetto, ghost, giddy, gist, goad, goaded, goat, God, god, good, Gouda, gout, guessed, guest, guested, GUID, guide, guided, Guido, guiet, guised, gushed, gust, Gusta, Gusti, Gustie, gusto, Gusty, gusty, gut, gutted, guyed, the gauchest, the gauziest, the gawkiest, the gayest, to get, to get away, to get away with it, to get head, to get hot, to get it, to get it hot, to get out, to get teeth, to get that way, to get the idea, to get to, to get wet, to ghost, to go dead, to go easy with, to go it, to go out with the tide, to go south, to go south with, to go steady, to go to it, to go west, to go whacks with, to go with the tide, to goad, to god it, to guest, to guide, to gut.

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