Fraze exemplificatoare cu spend
- I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. (Nu vreau să îmi petrec restul vieții regretând acest lucru.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there. (Mă preocupă viitorul, deoarece îmi voi petrece restul vieții în el.) - Charles F. Kettering
- A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. (Un bărbat de succes este acela care câștigă mai mult decât poate cheltui soția lui. O femeie de succes este aceea care găsește un astfel de bărbat.) - Lana Turner
- Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. (Timpul este moneda vieții tale. Este singura monedă pe care o ai și numai tu poți hotărî cum o vei cheltui. Fii atent ca nu cumva să-i lași pe alții s-o cheltuie pentru tine.) - Carl Sandburg
- The service you do for others is the rent you pay for the time you spend on earth. (Munca în folosul altora este chiria pe care o plătești pentru locul tău pe pământ.) - Muhammad Ali
- An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools. (Un om inteligent este uneori forțat să se îmbete pentru a petrece timpul cu proștii lui.) - Ernest Hemingway
- Those who steal from private individuals spend their lives in stocks and chains, those who steal from the public treasure go dressed in gold and purple. (Aceia care fură din avutul privat își petrec viața în butuci și în lanțuri, iar aceia care fură din avutul obștesc se împodobesc cu aur și purpură.) - Cato cel Bătrân
- Spend everyday casual, but industrious Every moment alert, but relaxed. (Petrece-ți ziua fără prea multe griji, dar muncind. În alertă tot timpul, dar totodată relaxat.) - Guy Finley
- If you spend too much time warming up, you'll miss the race. If you don't warm up at all, you may not finish the race. (Dacă te încălzești prea mult timp, pierzi cursa, dar dacă nu te încălzești deloc, este posibil să n-o termini deloc.) - Grand Heidrich
- I don't want to spend the next two years in Holiday Inns. (Nu vreau să-mi petrec următorii doi ani în pensiuni.) - Walter Frederick Mondale
- You can spend a bit of yourself when you give yourself to a character. At the end of a job, you have to remind yourself who and what you are. (Poți să irosești puțintel din tine când te dăruiești unui personaj. La sfârșitul filmărilor, trebuie să-ți reamintești cine și ce ești.) - Richard Armitage
Alte exemple de fraze cu spend
- You may be welcome to spend money.
- He has more money than he can spend.
- The more you earn, the more you spend.
- Where did you spend your holidays?
- Keep a record of how much you spend.
- Where are you going to spend the vacation?
- I've spend almost all my money.
- How did you spend your vacation?
- You may spend or save at will.
- Try not to spend more money than is necessary.
- I don't want to spend more than $10.
- How do you spend the New Year?
- Where are you going to spend the vacation?
- That is as much as I dare spend on it.
- I spend no more than three dollars.
- I spend money as soon as I get it.
- How did you spend your winter vacation?
- Never spend in excess of your income.
- I am going to spend the weekend in Tokyo.
- It would be ridiculous to spend all their money.
- Don't spend too much money.
- How did you spend your free time?
- Where are you going spend the summer holidays?
- I spend half my time going out with her.
- I am going to spend the weekend in Kanazawa.
- We always spend our vacation by the sea.
- I am going to spend this weekend in Hawaii.
- I spend all her money on the car.
- Many nights did he spend, looking up at the stars.
- Spend the summer at the coast.
- Where do you suppose you'll spend your vacation?
- He had to spend many barren day.
- She knows better than to spend all her money on clothes.
- He is free to spend his money.
- You can't spend what you don't have. [Proverb]
- He earns more money than he can spend.
- Where do you intend to spend your vacation?
- You should know better than to spend all your money on clothes.
- How would you like to come and spend a week with us next year?
- It is outrageous that you should spend so much money.
- What is the amount of money you spend?
- How much money did you spend in total?
- I usually spend the whole day idly on Sunday.
- He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.
- Japan should not spend much money on weapons.
- I like to fish; it's a very relaxing way to spend the day.
- I spend less money on clothes than my sister does.
- I must calculate how much money I'll spend next week.
- Sunday is when I spend my time reading.
- He didn't have time to spend with his children.
- He knows better than to spend all his money on horse racing.
- I advised him not to spend all his money on food.
- Reading is a pleasant way to spend one's leisure.
- They loved to spend all day playing together.
- I think Hitler will spend the afterlife in Hell.
- They are sufficiently well off to be able to spend each winter in Florida.
- I will spend next Sunday reading novels.
- School is where we spend most of our time every day.
- Some families spend their vacation near the beach.
- It's costing me a lot to spend the holidays.
- Many a day did she spend knitting a sweater for him.
- You might as well throw your money away as spend it on gambling.
- Caroline knows better than to spend all her money on clothes.
- How are you going to spend such a large amount of money?
- I understand you are going to spend your vacation in New Zealand.
- I spend what time I can spare in reading.
- How will you spend the coming three-day holiday?
- You may spend a maximum of 100 dollars.
- Don't spend so much time watching TV.
- Masashi and Takako were at odds with each other over where to spend their vacation.
- At the New Year, we spend a lot of time with our family.
- When I retire, I'd like to spend the rest of my life in the country.
- A family should not spend all of its money to keep someone alive on a machine.
- They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies.
- Peter and Carol were at odds with each other over where to spend their vacation.
- I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it.
- After much debate, we decided to spend our holidays in Spain.
- When I was a child I would spend hours reading alone in my room.
- He likes to spend some time in solitude every day.
- You may as well burn your money as spend it on lottery tickets.
- I often spend my leisure time listening to the radio.
- I spend a lot of time listening to music.
- I love to spend time trying to put together a puzzle.
- We spend piles of money on the things we don't really use.
- Americans spend much of their free time at home.
- Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive.
- My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there.
- The amount of time someone is willing to spend on something may communicate how important it is to him.
- I am determined to spend my lifetime pursuing my ideals.
- I think it's a good idea to spend some time apart so you can see each other differently.
- I want to spend rest of the life pursuing my ideals.
- I resolved to spend the rest of my life pursuing my ideals.
- Bob thinks it is a silly idea to call her so far, to spend so much, and to say so little.
- I'd like to spend my holidays reading history books or classics.
- He returned to his native village, where he spend the last few years of his life.
- Children who spend more time outdoors have a lower risk of myopia.
- The businessman was leading too busy a life to spend weekends with his family.
- We are born crying, spend our lives complaining, and die disappointed.
- Senior executives spend a lot of time training their subordinates.
- The new section chief seems to spend most of his time finding fault with the work of his men.
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