Fraze exemplificatoare cu point
- At this point he began his speech. (În acest moment el își începu discursul.)
- I see no point in speaking to her. (Nu văd ce rost are să vorbesc cu ea.)
- The child pricked himself on the point of a needle. (Copilul s-a înțepat cu un vârf de ac.)
- The child pricked himself with the point of a needle. (Copilul s-a înțepat cu un vârf de ac.)
- The name referred to in point 1 may not be translated. (Mențiunea prevăzută la pct. 1 nu se traduce.)
- The principle of the method is described in point 1. (Principiul metodei este descris la punctul 1.)
- The provisions laid down in point 4 shall apply. (Se aplică dispozițiile stabilite la punctul 4.)
- There is no point in doing that. (Nu are niciun sens să procedăm astfel.)
- This is set out at point 2 below. (Aceasta este stabilită la punctul 2 de mai jos.)
- This wording is without prejudice to point 2. (Această formulare nu aduce atingere punctului 2.)
- Under heading (a), point 14 is deleted. (La litera (a) se elimină punctul 14.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- God is the tangential point between zero and infinity. (Dumnezeu este punctul de tangență dintre zero și infinit.) - Alfred Jarry
- You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. (Nu poți înțelege cu adevărat o persoană până nu cântărești lucrurile din punctul său de vedere.) - Harper Lee
- Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. (Curajul nu este, pur și simplu, una din virtuți, ci forma pe care o ia fiecare virtute când e pusă la încercare.) - C.S. Lewis
- All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. (Toate adevărurile sunt ușor de înțeles imediat ce sunt descoperite; important este să le descoperi.) - Galileo Galilei
- There's no point in burying the hatchet if you're going to put up a marker on the site. (Nu are nici un sens să îngropi securea atâta timp cât ai de gând să faci un anunț public despre asta.) - Sydney J. Harris
- Modern man must descend the spiral of his own absurdity to the lowest point only then can he look beyond it. It is obviously impossible to get around it, jump over it, or simply avoid it. (Omul modern trebuie să coboare pe spirala propriei absurdități cât se poate de jos, și doar atunci va putea privi dincolo de aceasta. Este evident că e imposibil să o ocolească, să sară peste ea sau pur și simplu să o evite.) - Vaclav Havel
- On the breakup of Harrison Ford's first marriage It wasn't because he became a star. In all relationships there are changes and the point is both partners have to change together. (Prima căsnicie a lui Harrison Ford nu s-a destrămat pentru că el a devenit star. În orice relație au loc schimbări, ideea e că ambii parteneri trebuie să se schimbe împreună.) - Walter Beakel
- It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year. (Este dovedit științific că dacă locuiești în California, coeficientul de inteligență îți scade cu câte un punct în fiecare an.) - Truman Capote
- Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. (Multe dintre adevărurile de care ne agățăm depind în mare parte de propriile noastre puncte de vedere.) - George Lucas
- Political image is like mixing cement. When it's wet, you can move it around and shape it, but at some point it hardens and there's almost nothing you can do to reshape it. (Imaginea politică este precum amestecul de ciment. Când este moale îl poți mânui și modela, dar de la un anumit punct încolo se întărește și nu mai rămâne aproape nimic de făcut pentru a-l remodela.) - Walter Frederick Mondale
Alte exemple de fraze cu point
- Each of their opinions has both good point and bad point.
- The curve extends from point A to point B.
- That's beside the point.
- What he said was brief and to the point.
- She's got a point.
- The point is whether she will come or not.
- We are all one on that point.
- I can't go with you on that point.
- I get her point.
- I see your point.
- She was on the point of going out.
- That's exactly my point.
- Well, you got a point there.
- You have a point there.
- That's the point.
- I can't go along with you on that point.
- What's the point?
- I can't go along with you on that point.
- She can not go along with you on this point.
- Get to the point!
- He said nothing as to that point.
- What he says is brief and to the point.
- What he said was beside the point.
- What's the point of doing this?
- You are off the point.
- She's got the point.
- I had to compromise on this point.
- To see this point, look at the table below.
- This is her weak point.
- I agree with him on that point.
- I make a point of getting up before six.
- I agree with you on this point.
- I believe this is a case in point.
- We've got to stick to the point.
- Please point out my mistake.
- My point is a broader one.
- His answer is to the point.
- We agree on this point.
- From this point of view we should say he was right.
- I agree with you on this point.
- We can not agree with you on this point.
- I will grant that you are right on this point.
- From this point of view, you are right.
- I don't see your point.
- Your answer is not to the point.
- Clearly, this is the most important point.
- I want to emphasize this point in particular.
- I want to stress this point.
- Her actions are to the point.
- She is missing the point.
- We made a point of his going there.
- His speech was to the point.
- His speech was brief and to the point.
- His argument was aside from the point.
- His remark seems to be off the point.
- His suggestions are always very much to the point.
- His explanation is beside the point.
- His talk is off the point.
- He was explicit on the point.
- He tried to make his point.
- He is on the point of death.
- He seems to have missed the point.
- Her explanation was to the point.
- She was on the point of leaving.
- I agreed with him on that point.
- I compromised with her on the point.
- I stressed the point.
- I point to the factory.
- I stick to the point.
- She made her point.
- I understand his point in a way.
- Is there a transfer point?
- Don't point at others.
- It's rude to point at anyone.
- It is rude to point at others.
- It's not polite to point at others.
- It is not polite to point at others.
- There's no point in waiting.
- He spoke to the point.
- I cannot agree with you on this point.
- The point is that they are hungry.
- Your remarks are off the point.
- That's your strong point.
- Your answer is to the point.
- I differ from you on that point.
- It is better to ignore this point.
- I want to emphasize this point in particular.
- I see the point of the argument.
- I'm not too clear about that point.
- That's a delicate point.
- That's stretching the point.
- I think this is a case in point.
- There's no point telling me "Hi, how are you?" if you have nothing else to say.
- The point is they are too young.
- The river is best at this point.
- That's interesting but beside the point.
- That is not the point in question.
- May I add a point?
- The river was shallow at that point.
- To get back to my original point...
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