Fraze exemplificatoare cu Observe
- One must observe the rules. (Regulile trebuie respectate.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- To know a man, observe how he wins his object, rather than how he loses it; for when we fail our pride supports us; when we succeed, it betrays us. (Ca să cunoști un om, observă-l atunci când își atinge obiectivul, nu când și-l ratează; pentru că atunci când eșuăm, mândria noastră ne susține, iar atunci când reușim, ne trădează.) - Charles Caleb Colton
- You can observe a lot just by watching. (Poți observa multe doar privind.) - Yogi Berra
- To put order into your life simply means to observe it and try to understand it. To understand yourself. (A-ți pune ordine în viață înseamnă pur și simplu să-ți privești viața și să încerci s-o înțelegi. Să te înțelegi.) - Gabriel Liiceanu
- I adopt a very simple approach. I observe and reflect real life and ordinary people and sooner or later that raises a laugh. (Adopt o abordare foarte simplă. Observ și reflectez la viața reală și oamenii obișnuiți și mai devreme sau mai târziu asta te face să râzi.) - Alberto Sordi
- But if one observes, one will see that the body has its own intelligence; it requires a great deal of intelligence to observe the intelligence of the body. (În cazul în care cineva se uită cu atenție, acea persoană va vedea că trupul nostru are propria sa inteligență. Este nevoie de multă inteligență pentru a putea observa inteligența trupului.) - Krishnamurti
Alte exemple de fraze cu Observe
- We must observe the rules.
- Let's observe sunspots.
- Just observe your cat and you will get to know him.
- You must observe the law.
- It is necessary that everybody observe these rules.
- One must observe the rules.
- We should observe our traffic rules.
- You are to observe traffic rules.
- You should observe the school rules.
- He is the only one that doesn't observe the custom.
- You must observe the rules of the dormitory.
- You must observe the rules of the club.
- We must observe the traffic regulations.
- It is necessary that every member observe these rules.
- It goes without saying that we must all observe traffic signals.
- We should observe the speed limit.
- Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?
- The best policy for us to observe is to mind our own business.
- He pointed out how important it is to observe the law.
- Drivers must observe the traffic rules.
- Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.
- The pupils are supposed to observe rigid discipline.
- The doctor continued to observe the patient's behavior.
- The boy decided to observe and record honeybees in detail.
- Observe bacteria magnified ten thousand times.
- The boy decided to observe and record bees in detail.
- Please fasten your seat belt and observe the "NO SMOKING" sign until it is turned off.
- At the atomic scale we observe quantum mechanical effects that can not be explained by classical mechanics.
- I'm not a Muslim and so I have no obligation to observe the fast but as long as I'm living in the same apartment having consideration for such a custom is important.
Exemple din articole cu Observe
- [16] So shall the Israelites observe the sabbath, keeping it throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.
- This record keeping function of the system not only makes it easier to observe how much advancement has been made or needed to be completed, but also motivates the line-up members to work and endeavour towards the concluding objective.
- You can easily download Observe and Report movie online as long as you have a good internet connection.
- Transporters observe strike in Rawalpindi News & Updates.
- There are several people who believe that it is much easier to download Observe and Report movie online rather that when they still go to the theaters.
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