be bitten by the bug
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- Once tried, you will be bitten by the bug forever.
- ... pages i flipped through and read with the hunger of someone deprived of good reading material for a long, long time. if only for the reads, i would be willing to be bitten by the bug again. but, i have to get over this bout first! ...
- No matter, I will take your advice, for surely I'll be bitten by the bug at some point (I've caught everything else), and the .
- Don't read this book unless you are prepared to be bitten by the bug to hit the road.
- A lot of people in this thread seem to be bitten by the bug of the "noble craftsman" which is kind of like the idea of the "noble poor".
- Spurred on by its immense potential to connect with young India, the latest to be bitten by the bug is none other than Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who can be seen blogging under the nom-de-plume 'iamsrk' on twitter.
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