Fraze exemplificatoare cu spoil
- One scabbed sheep is enough to spoil the flock. (Oaia râioasă umple turma toată.)
- Spare the rod and spoil the child. (Copilul nepedepsit ajunge nepricopsit.)
- Too many cooks spoil the broth. (Copilul cu prea multe moașe rămâne cu buricul netăiat.)
- Vengeance does not spoil with keeping. (Răzbunarea nu se schimbă cu vremea.)
- You must spoil before you spin. (Nimeni nu se naște învățat)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Everyone is unique. Compare not yourself with anyone else lest you spoil God's curriculum. (Fiecare om este unic. Nu te compara cu altcineva ca să nu intervii în planul lui Dumnezeu.) - Baal Shem Tov
Alte exemple de fraze cu spoil
- Don't spoil the children.
- Don't spoil your child.
- Spare the rod and spoil the child.
- As long as it doesn't spoil the weekend!
- Too many cooks spoil the broth. [Proverb]
- Spare the rod and spoil the child. [Proverb]
- Comfort can spoil you. Once in a while, it can do you good to corner yourself (in a tight spot).
- That proposal may be a way to kill two birds with one stone but we also have to be careful not to get greedy and spoil everything.
Exemple din articole cu spoil
- Boaters are advised to avoid visiting Spoil Island 3 (SL-3) in the Indian River Lagoon, while the St.
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