Fraze exemplificatoare cu dirty
- Clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. (Mai bine sărac curat decât negustor încurcat.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty. (Nu poți curăța ceva fără să murdărești altceva.) - Cecil Baxter
Alte exemple de fraze cu dirty
- It's dirty story of a dirty man.
- Is it like "Dirty Harry"?
- Your feet are dirty.
- The towels are dirty.
- I got my hands quite dirty.
- The child is dirty.
- These trousers are dirty.
- No dirty jokes!
- These clothes are dirty and need washing.
- I don't want to get my hands dirty.
- I found the river dirty.
- The boy got his hands dirty.
- My clothes were dirty with oil.
- It's a hard, dirty job.
- He exclaimed 'what a dirty face you have'.
- Mother was afraid I would get dirty.
- Please clean the dirty floor.
- That movie's downright dirty.
- You should clean your dirty room.
- We must wash all these dirty plates.
- Change your shirt. It's very dirty.
- He plays dirty pool.
- As he played a dirty trick on me, I'll get even with him.
- Gosh, what a dirty customer!
- He washed her dirty hands before the meal.
- He threw mud at me and made me dirty.
- He doesn't care if his car is dirty.
- She wanted to wash the dirty clothes.
- My hands are dirty. I have been repairing my bicycle.
- She put the dirty dishes in the sink.
- His dirty words can't bear repeating.
- I can't stand dirty old men in the subway.
- The floor is so dirty that It requires washing.
- That shirt is very dirty. It needs washing before you go to school.
- Never rub the eyes when the hands are dirty.
- I saw a dirty dog coming into the garden.
- The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us.
- The dirty rain started to fall on me.
- Tom always leaves his bicycle dirty.
- Tony looked down at his dirty old shoes.
- The suitcase contained nothing but dirty clothes.
- Let's not wash our dirty linen in public.
- She washed her dirty hands before the meal.
- Jack played a dirty trick on me.
- Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.
- You may take the book home so long as you don't get it dirty.
- I can put up with a house being untidy but I don't like it to be dirty.
- Don't wash your dirty linen in public.
- Don't handle my books with dirty hands.
- The political campaign has turned into a dirty fight at last.
- Beth will not allow Chris to kiss her because he is terribly dirty.
- And had pipes under the ground to carry dirty water away.
- Don't bring that dirty dog thorough the kitchen.
- The dirty boy turned out to be a prince in disguise.
- They shone like stars in the dark, dirty building.
- It is our national conviction that politics is a dirty and dishonest pursuit.
- "You'll get your clothes dirty." "No worries. They weren't very clean in the first place."
- He told me about an old school behind a high wall in a dirty street.
- You're an arrogant dirty foreigner who claims their dictionary is correct even though they don't understand the nuances of Japanese.
- "No, not so much. At most comparing sizes, telling dirty stories." "Sizes of what?" " 'that' ".
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