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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu counseled
- I counseled her to wait a little longer.
- The lawyer counseled the team on the contents of the contract.
Exemple din articole cu counseled
- A dozen members of Congress demanded Friday that Obama dismiss Jennings following WND disclosures about his past, including an incident in which he counseled a 15-year-old student to keep quiet about being seduced by an older man.
- Fewer than half of abdominous adults reported being counseled about food by a health care professional.
- San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer has personally counseled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, about her views on abortion and other moral issues, Pelosi revealed in a recent interview with Newsweek.
- A minister who counseled former policeman Drew Peterson's fourth wife before she disappeared is set to take the witness stand at a pretrial hearing on hearsay evidence.
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