at the point of
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- You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. (Nu poți înțelege cu adevărat o persoană până nu cântărești lucrurile din punctul său de vedere.) - Harper Lee
- It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year. (Este dovedit științific că dacă locuiești în California, coeficientul de inteligență îți scade cu câte un punct în fiecare an.) - Truman Capote
- Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. (Multe dintre adevărurile de care ne agățăm depind în mare parte de propriile noastre puncte de vedere.) - George Lucas
- At any given point of time, you are exactly what you wanted to be. (La orice moment dat, ești exact ce ai vrut să fii.) - Vinny Nayak
- Human beings, from their own point of view, are very different than what people see. (Ființele umane, din punctul lor de vedere, sunt foarte diferite de ceea ce văd oamenii.) - Kurt Russell
- He has murdered me. From his point of view. (M-a ucis. Din punctul lui de vedere.) - Valeriu Butulescu
- Any crisis is a point of inflexion in which, generally, there are adopted inflexible measures. (Orice criză este un punct de inflexiune în care, de regulă, se preferă măsuri inflexibile.) - Hasier Agirre
- What we need is a machine that will let us see the other guys point of view. (Ceea ce avem nevoie este o mașină care să ne permită să vedem punctul de vedere al celeilate persoane.) - Arthur C. Clarke
Exemple de fraze cu at the point of
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- I understand, as my wonderful old man keeps saying, that certain words and the truth they embody are irreducible only at the point of the utterance, which of course makes me smile, and gleefully.
- To be able to target a consumer with the right message at the point of sale can drastically improve the ROI of any marketing campaign.
- "Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality.
- It may not always be brilliant, but it's free at the point of delivery and funded mostly through taxation (there are small charges for prescriptions, dental checks etc).
- We also provide items that can be used at the point of sale, outside your office, in your boardroom, and beyond, helping drive traffic and communicate your business to people well beyond convention attendees.
- Regeneration is the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in creating the human spirit for the imputation of eternal life at the point of salvation.
- Howard Thurman writes in "Creative Encounter" that God meets and begins to communicate with each person at the point of "what God means to that person.
- We're at the point of the season where head-to-head battles are critical.
- But at the point of 1 000 000 members, Mark allowed for a shrewd business move to move into action, which rendered Eduardo a 0.
- When used correctly, pavement signs can result in a high level of footfall into your store and the typical placement for point of sale signs is typically at the checkout or sales area, or even at the point of store entry where potential .
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