Fraze exemplificatoare cu surprised
- You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. (Ai fi surprins de cât de multe lucruri poți învăța într-o săptămână.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you, and you will be surprised what a happy life you will lead. (Să-ți trăiești viața care te va face să fii bun și milos față de toată lumea, și vei fi surprins să descoperi că vei trăi o viață fericită.) - Charles M. Schwab
- Since a politician never believes what he says, he is surprised when others believe him. (Întrucât un politician nu crede niciodată ce spune, este surprins când alții îl cred.) - Charles de Gaulle
- The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. (Avantajul de a fi pesimist: fie ai dreptate, fie ai doar surprize plăcute.) - George Will
- If love is blind, don't be surprised if she will never find you. (Se spune că iubirea e oarbă. Să nu te miri dacă nu te găsește.) - Viorel Vintila
Alte exemple de fraze cu surprised
- She is not in the least surprised.
- Why should you be surprised?
- Were he to see you, he would be surprised.
- I was surprised to see him there.
- She is certain to be surprised.
- I am not in the least surprised.
- Should he see you, would be surprised.
- I'm surprised you came at all.
- I am surprised to see you here.
- I'm always surprised by him.
- Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known.
- I was a little surprised.
- You surprised everybody.
- They were all surprised to see me there.
- What you said surprised me.
- I am surprised to see you.
- She seemed to be much surprised.
- He seemed surprised at the news.
- I am surprised that you should not know of their marriage.
- You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'
- He seemed surprised by my ignorance.
- I am surprised that she should have changed so much.
- This surprised many people.
- They were more or less surprised at the news.
- I am surprised to see you here in this hotel.
- He was not at all surprised at her ability.
- I was surprised because it was very big.
- I'm surprised that she did such a thing.
- He surprised his opponent.
- He was surprised at the news.
- He was surprised at the scene.
- I was surprised and became sad.
- I was surprised to see a lion.
- You'll be surprised to know the truth.
- I am much surprised at the news.
- I was very much surprised at the news.
- Our teacher seemed surprised.
- Everybody that came to the street was surprised.
- I was surprised at this news.
- I was surprised at her immediate recognition of me.
- All of us were surprised at the news.
- I was surprised that he had failed.
- We were surprised at the sound.
- His writing of a novel surprised us.
- We were surprised at the sight.
- We are surprised at the news.
- His words surprised me.
- His death surprised us all.
- I am surprised that she should have done such a thing.
- Mr Jordan was a little surprised.
- She was surprised that it was that late.
- She was very surprised at the sight.
- I was surprised at the discovery.
- I was too surprised to speak.
- To my surprised, she was alive.
- She was surprised when she saw the ghost.
- He was evidently surprised when he came across me.
- We were surprised to see his injuries.
- I was surprised at his success at all.
- We were surprised at his conduct.
- If it would snow in May, they will be surprised at it.
- Yes. I was very surprised at the news.
- I was very surprised at the news.
- We were surprised at the news.
- She was surprised at the sight.
- She was very surprised at the news.
- John was too surprised to say anything.
- Were you to know the fact you would be surprised.
- The news surprised us much.
- You bet I was surprised.
- I'm surprised that you're so naive.
- I'm surprised at your behavior.
- She was surprised at his appearance.
- If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised.
- The news surprised him as much as it did me.
- I was surprised at the news.
- She was surprised at the news.
- She was not a little surprised at the news.
- I was agreeably surprised.
- His decision to retire surprised all of us.
- We were surprised when we saw him in the office this morning.
- If he could hear of your marriage, he will be very surprised.
- I'm surprised to hear that he is in prison.
- The people present were surprised.
- What surprised me was his cold attitude.
- She was surprised when she heard the news.
- I was surprised to hear of his failure.
- I was very surprised to find him in disguise.
- She was very surprised when she heard the news.
- Mother was surprised at the news.
- I was surprised at the news of his death.
- They couldn't help being surprised at the news.
- He was surprised to hear a cry from within.
- They will be surprised to hear the news.
- I was surprised at her sudden visit.
- They were surprised to hear the news.
- Her sudden departure surprised us all.
- Surprised at her behavior, he could not say a word.
- They surprised the enemy at dawn.
- She may have been surprised when she heard the news.
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