Citate exemplificatoare
- Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship. (Capacitatea de a critica se dobândește mai ușor decât măiestria.) - Zeuxis
- I have never found, in a long experience of politics, that criticism is ever inhibited by ignorance. (Nu am constatat, după o vastă experiență în politică, că critica este inhibată vreodată de ignoranță.) - Harold MacMillan
- You know criticism when you get into this business. You accept the bad with the good, the tabloids and the positive side of it. (Cunoști critica atunci când când intri în această lume. Accepți și relele și bunele, și ziarele de scandal, și partea pozitivă a lor.) - Carmen Electra
- He only profits from praise who values criticism. (Doar cel care prețuiește critica profită din laude.) - Heinrich Heine
- One should never criticize his own work except in a fresh and hopeful mood. The self-criticism of a tired mind is suicide. (Nimeni nu ar trebui să își critice propria muncă, decât într-o manieră proaspătă și optimistă. Autocritica unei minți plictisite este sinucidere.) - Charles Horton Cooley
- Persecution is the first law of society because it is always easier to suppress criticism than to meet it. (Pedeapsa este prima regulă a societății pentru că întotdeauna este mai ușor să înlături critica decât s-o înfrunți.) - Howard Mumford Jones
- Really, to stop criticism, they say, one must die. (Pentru a opri criticile, spun ei, ar trebui să mori.) - Voltaire
- Find out who you are and embrace it. It is so much easier to face criticism when you are comfortable in your own skin. Never let anyone or anything stop you unless it is you. (Descoperă cine ești și îmbrățișează acest lucru. E cu mult mai ușor să faci față criticilor când te simți confortabil în propria ta piele. Niciodată să nu dai voie nimănui și nimic să te oprească, decât chiar tu.) - Amy Adams
- Sort library is to act as a silent mode of art criticism. (A face ordine într-o bibliotecă este o manieră tăcută de a exercita arta criticii.) - Jorge Luis Borges
- Too much religion is just bad literary criticism. (Excesul de religie nu e altceva decât critică literară îndoielnică.) - Scott F. Parker
Exemple de fraze cu Criticism
- You are too sensitive to criticism.
- He is very sensitive to criticism.
- They came in for a lot of criticism over doing that.
- She is always immune to criticism.
- If you should do that, you would come in for severe criticism.
- She is very sensitive to criticism.
- His behavior allows of no criticism.
- He is sensitive to criticism.
- His behavior is beneath criticism.
- His book became an object of criticism.
- His behavior was often a target of criticism.
- He was subjected to severe criticism.
- He chafed under the groundless criticism.
- He stood tall even under criticism.
- They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy.
- Don't be too sensitive to criticism.
- Don't be so sensitive to criticism.
- She accepts criticism from anyone but her parents.
- His conduct is open to criticism.
- The director is sensitive to criticism.
- Expose the writer to criticism.
- Most writers are sensitive to criticism.
- Some artists are contemptuous of criticism.
- Musicians are usually sensitive to criticism.
- On the whole, the elite are not sensitive to criticism.
- He is subject to the criticism of his colleagues.
- People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.
- I feel resentment against your unwarranted criticism.
- Mr Smith is vulnerable to this kind of criticism.
- She was apprehensive about receiving criticism of her performance.
- His performance was fair game for criticism.
- He is reading a book of literary criticism.
- I read the book in the light of criticism.
- The brunt of criticism was borne by the chairmen.
- The film received favourable criticism.
- A bare word of criticism makes her nervous.
- The candidate made a quick response to the criticism.
- A criticism of literary works this year is in the paper.
- Some countries have stopped whaling in the face of international criticism.
- Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.
- Regarding Professor Scott's final criticism I have nothing more to add to what I said in my previous reply.
- A man of weak will is the target of criticism; even his friends would badger him into correcting his defects.
Exemple din articole cu Criticism
- Criticism of a trial allowing meat companies to carry out some meat inspection functions themselves was misguided and ignored the fact they had a vested interest in ensuring it was done properly, an industry body says.
- New MyHospitals website stumbles against criticism - Bio -The government's brand new MyHospitals website faced criticism on its first day, with allegations that old data is being displayed that is far from the current truth.
- constructive criticism and advice in Martial Arts Training and Fitness forum.
- Correctional Service of Canada is drawing both criticism and applause for taking steps to accommodate the religious and cultural practices of a female Muslim prison guard.
- [This week, our partnership with game criticism site Critical Distance brings us a fresh new roundup of links from Ian Miles Cheong, on gaming topics including gender, moral ambiguity in game narratives, and a scientific look at our .
- Leaders back criticism of US over cable leaks.
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