Citate exemplificatoare
- Comedy is acting out optimism. (Comedia este exprimare de optimism.) - Robin Williams
- I never studied acting in Australia. I never had an empty stage and black pajamas to run around and express myself. (N-am studiat deloc actoria în Australia. N-am avut niciodată o scenă liberă și pijamale negre ca să alerg de colo-colo și să mă exprim.) - Heath Ledger
- A business like acting is 90% luck. You can be a star one minute and out of work the next. (O meserie ca actoria e 90% noroc. Poți să fii vedetă o clipă, iar în următoarea să nu mai ai de lucru.) - Amber Tamblyn
- Being into acting made you an outcast loser at my school. Plus, I was the worst student ever. (Din cauza faptului că jucam când eram în școală, eram văzută ca o proscrisă ratată. În plus eram cea mai slabă elevă.) - Liza Weil
- Acting is invigorating. But I don't analyse it too much. It's like a dog smelling where it's going to do its toilet in the morning. (Actoria este revigorantă. Însă nu o analizez prea mult - precum un câine care miroase unde-și va face toaleta de dimineață.) - Liam Neeson
- There is no overacting, only untrue acting. (Nu există interpretare afectată, ci doar neadevărată.) - Stellan Skarsgard
- The thing about acting is you don't want to let on how enjoyable it is or then everybody would want to become an actress. But it really is. It's a pleasure to go and exchange your identity. (Farmecul actoriei este că nu vrei să divulgi cât de plăcut este, altfel toată lumea ar dori să devină actor. Dar cu adevărat este o plăcere să îți schimbi identitatea.) - Gena Rowlands
- I like America. I think it's pretty cool. I got into acting to avoid politics of any sort so I could remain in a fantasy world. (Îmi place America. Cred că-i destul de grozavă. M-am apucat de actorie ca să evit orice fel de politică și astfel să rămân într-o lume a fanteziei.) - Mary Lynn Rajskub
- Acting is not a mystery. There's nothing that I know that other actors don't know. We all act, we're all actors, we all know the same thing. The only thing that separates us is experience. (Actoria nu este un mister. Nu există nimic din ce știu pe care și ceilalți actori să nu-l știe. Cu toții jucăm, toți suntem actori, toți știm același lucru. Singurul lucru care ne departajează este experiența.) - Vincent D'Onofrio
- Acting is the work of two people - it's only possible when you have the complicity, the help, even the manipulation of a director. (Actoria este munca a doi oameni - e posibilă doar când ai complicitatea, ajutorul, chiar manipularea, unui regizor.) - Victoria Abril
Exemple de fraze cu Acting
- I am acting for my father.
- The car is acting up again.
- His acting is far from being perfect.
- He is acting on his own behalf.
- He doesn't mean it; he's just acting.
- You are acting beyond your position.
- She's acting on instinct.
- She's just acting disappointed.
- She has a genius for acting.
- My brother is always acting foolishly.
- My microwave is acting up. I think I'd rather get a new one than repair this one.
- He is acting for the chief director.
- His acting left nothing to be desired.
- Her acting is on the level of a professional.
- She is acting from some selfish motive.
- He isn't really sad; he's only acting.
- He is acting like Nelson tonight.
- Stop acting the child.
- Quit acting like a child.
- Mary is always acting foolishly.
- So you are acting high-handedly.
- Mr Brown was acting in the capacity of ambassador.
- She's always putting on airs, acting as if she was a queen.
- Jane has been acting in films since she was eleven.
- Jane saw the students acting well on the stage.
- The police are acting on information received.
- Who is the boy acting the part of Peter Pan?
- Acting on your advice, I've decided to exercise more regularly.
- It was mismanagement of the company's affairs by the acting director.
- It seems like that she wasn't acting back then; they were her real feelings.
- As a politician, he makes utmost use of his acting ability.
- That's just a shot in the dark. How do you think you'll succeed by just acting on the spur of the moment like that?
- Her nature takes more kindly to acting than to any other kind of job.
- The strong yen is acting against Japan's export industry.
- There's no sense acting all triumphant like a conquering hero over such a minor thing.
- When Kate played a minor part in a movie, her acting was criticized.
- Lately you see more young couples making out at the train station ticket gates acting as though nobody in the world existed.
Exemple din articole cu Acting
- Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren is reportedly acting "cold and distant" towards him.
- First in a series of short blogs on Voice Acting from an Amateur Producer!
- Stop acting like a Christian and just follow Christ.
- Getting started in the acting business involves exercising the voice and the body, being able to project and portray.
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